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Farm Town Photo

>> Monday, September 26, 2011

This is my Farm 9 which I named Venus de Milo
Of all the games in Facebook, Farm Town created by Slashkey is the only game that I am so crazy about.   As of this writing, I am level 225 labeled as Gold Winner with  71, 630, 506 coins and 21 farm cash!  If  I could only cash out my earnings, I would have been a millionaire by now. :)

For more yellow stories, click the badge below.  Happy Monday everyone!


Historic Date

>> Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This day, 39 years ago made a mark in the annals of  Philippine history when then President Ferdinand Edralin Marcos declared Martial Law by virtue of Proclamation No. 1081 placing the entire country under martial rule.  It lasted until 1981.  I consider myself a martial law baby since I was born during its existence.  Since I was very young at that time, I have never felt how difficult it was for the Filipino people but reading about Ninoy and his plight to regain democracy again from the dictatorial regime of Marcos and the numerous human rights violation made me understand what it was all about.  It was years of abuse of power and oppression.  But thanks to the sacrifice of one man, Ninoy Aquino, the man labeled by Jovito Salonga as "the best president we never had."  Democracy was once again restored and that is why I am enjoying its fruits up to this moment.  With that freedom, I was given the choice to do what I want with my life, pursue what I want, say what I want.  For this reason, I am able to enjoy things like blogging. Under the democratic regime, my right to self expression was once again protected and guaranteed by the Constitution.  

Thank you Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr. for the legacy of freedom that I am enjoying.

Daddy's Girl

Watch this very cute video.

Midterm Week

>> Monday, September 19, 2011

Midterm Examination is here again.  It was just a month ago that I took our trinal examination.  Time flies so fast.  it would be finals again before I knew it.  I wish to survive this semester with satisfactory grades.  Midterms officially started last Saturday with my Shariah subject.  I am now on my second day (Criminal Procedure).  Two down and five subjects more to go.  I hope I can pass all my examinations.  

This afternoon before I went to school, I touched the tummy of my two pregnant office mates while joking that if I would get a perfect score in my Crim Pro and Negotiable Instruments subjects, I will treat them to a free lunch.   Well, it won't hurt if I would really get a perfect score hehe.   I am not expecting to get that, I only wish to pass all my subjects but if God wills that I would get that elusive perfect score, it would be a big bonus for all my hard work.  It is not a big deal anyway, passing is already enough for me.

This is all for tonight guys, I have to go back to review my lessons in preparation for my Negotiable Instruments Law exam tomorrow.  Good luck to me!

Some Updates

>> Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Months had passed before I decided to post something new here.

News of Osama Bin Laden's death is everywhere.  A lot of people especially US citizens are rejoicing.  After almost ten years since 9/11, the perpetrator was killed.  There are also who sympathized with him.  For them he is a martyr.  Okay, so Bin Laden is dead, so what is next?  Surely, it won't end the terrorism.  A retaliation is possible that is why tight security measures are implemented, even in a city as small as ours.

This morning while I was on my way to work, I passed by the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, I saw a lot of policemen in its surrounding area.  It was once a target of bombing here in Cotabato City.  I was a few meters away from the church when the bomb exploded.  I may have been late for the mass but my tardiness on that fateful Sunday morning saved me from possible injury I would have endured if I was inside the church when the explosion happened.   I also passed by the bishop's palace. It too was guarded by the Philippine marines.

I woke up late today with the gloomy weather greeted me.  I was in no mood to get up because of the weather. I really wanted to stay in bed and sleep for the whole day, however, we have a scheduled hearing in the afternoon and I have some pending task to do.  Oh I hate so much when it rains and I have to go to work.  
When the afternoon came, hearing was cancelled as the lawyers are on travel.  I was really tempted to go home early as the weather makes me want to stay in my warm bed.  I was so happy when the time to go home has come.  I immediately took all my things and went home straight.  

When I arrived home, there is my bed inviting me to lie down.   I wasted no time, I grabbed my book and spent the rest of the afternoon reading until dinner time.  I love the rain; only when I am not going to work.

Law Days, etc

>> Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It is so cold outside.  The sun never show itself the whole day.  It is one of those days that I want to go to bed and sleep the whole day.  I don’t know if there is still a low pressure area in the Philippine archipelago.  I am not a weather forecaster so I just don’t give a care.  The music being played on the radio is tempting me to close my eyes and to divert my attention, I think of things that happened last week and this is what I want to share to you.

We had our law days from February 18-21, 2011.  It started with the academic contest on the evening of February 18.  We finished third place.  Not bad for us freshmen.  We will try to do better next year.  Saturday was for pinoy games and sadly, I was not able to attend because I have to go home to be with my niece as we are celebrating her birthday.  I would really want to participate however I can’t let my niece have her birthday without me since her mother is in Manila so I assume her role to be Erin’s temporary mother.

Last Monday, I really made it sure to come as it is the highlight of the law days, the socio-cultural show.  We had the Mr. and Ms. Lawyer’s Look.  Our male participant got all the minor awards and our female participant got the best in executive attire.  They garnered the second runner-up award.  We were first place in the singing contest but got last in unplugged competition (for lack of preparation I guess).   After all the points for all events were summed up, we landed on the third place.  Not bad.  However, there were just this people who want to see us at the bottom.  I think they are our haters who don’t want our presence in the college of law.  Well guys, we are still ahead of you.  Just accept the fact that eventhough we are just neophyte, we will survive all obstacles and challenges.  You can never put us down.  Just deal with the insecurity that you feel towards us because we will always fight.  No matter what you do, we are still better than you.

My Disclosure Policy

This is a personal blog written by me.  For your questions, you can reach me at scribblingmoments(@)gmail dot com.

This blog contains my personal experiences but from time to time, I accept different forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

I am compensated to review products, services, websites and other various topics but this however does not affect the honesty of my opinion about my experience with a certain product or service.  Whatever view I put here is purely my own.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question

Scribbling Moments Turns 1

>> Monday, February 14, 2011

This blog is now one year old.  I'm glad to have survived my first year.  Last year, I decided to start it during Chinese New Year that also happened to be Valentine's Day.   To all my blogger friends and those who care to visit, thank you very much guys.  For those interested to see my first entry, just click here.

You know where to go with a doubt

Mellow Yellow Monday: Sponge Bob

Sponge Bob screaming!  Caught in the act!
My Sponge Bob container, a freebie from Mister Donut when I bought Smidgets ;)  For more interesting yellow stories, click the badge below.


Baby Mandy's Latest Pictures

>> Sunday, February 13, 2011

My 41 day-old niece Mandy smiling.

There is no doubt, she got our eyes ;)

Early Morning Musing

It’s 1 a.m. and I am still awake.  I can’t go to sleep no matter how hard I tried.  I picked up my book to study but there is nothing I can grasp.  It’s frustrating! I got tired and bored so I started blog walking; a favorite past time that I have not done in a long time.  1 day more to go and this blog will turn one year old.   What has it achieved? In less than two months of existence, it got Page Rank 3 however for some unknown reason it went back to 0; I was so sad when it happened.  Well, Page Rank or none, it’s ok.  Nothing and nobody can hinder me from writing down what I want to say.

Our Law Days will be next week and so is my niece’s (Erin) birthday.  She will be turning one year-old on the 17th.   Her mother being away, it is my job to be a mother for a day to my baby, my niece.  It hurts me to leave my classmates in the middle of our activities but my niece needs me.  I may be single but my nephew and my two nieces are my babies.  The other day, EJ melted my heart again by singing his nursery songs via Skype.  He is a very naughty kid.  My sister is having a hard time with him.  He can speak words with clarity now.  He is growing so fast without me realizing it.  It was just like yesterday that I am still carrying him since he can’t walk.  He is turning into a very naughty boy.  If only he is with me, I would kiss him non-stop until he cries.

Finally, sleepiness steps in.  I can close my eyes now.  Till next time guys.

All About Love

>> Monday, February 7, 2011

Today is the 7th of February.  As I always say, time flies so fast.  We already shed the January page of the calendar but I have yet to shed off my excess baggage from the holidays.  But I am not here to talk about my flab.  I like to talk about love. 

In my religion class way back in high school, I was taught about the different facets of love. The first one is Eros.  It is a romantic love; the love we feel towards opposite sex like the one we feel towards our girlfriend or boyfriend.  The second one is Phileo or brotherly love.  It is the kind of love that we feel towards our family and friends.  The third one is Agape, the best of all love.  This is the deepest love of all as it involves self-sacrifice for the sake of others.  It is the kind of love God has for the humanity.

What is love for me?  When I held my nephew EJ in my arms for the first time, I felt something inside me that’s so overwhelming it overflows to my eyes.  The moment I kissed his small cheeks made me feel what real love is.  It grew more intense when his small hand grasped my finger like everything depends on me.  I never knew I am capable of that love.  Up to now, he never fails to melt my heart.  He inspires me.  Biologically, he is not my son but deep in my heart, EJ will be my baby forever.

These following quotations about love also inspire me the most.  The first one is from chapter 13 of the book of 1st Corinthians which states:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

And this one is from the movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin:

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossoms had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two." 

Do I need to say more? I don't think so.  Happy heart's month everyone.  Be happy and stay full of love.

Lorem Ipsum

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